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Early Pioneers

Rhythm & Blues

Rhythm and blues (R&B), a by-product of World War II and the migration of southern Black Americans to major cities, is characterized by its strong rhythmic grooves, steady backbeat, and syncopated rhythms, blending elements of blues, jazz, gospel, and pop. Its lyrics focus on love and relationships accompanied by emotional vocals. R&B utilizes the drums, guitars, bass, and keyboards that evolved to create looped drumbeats, and synthesizers. Over time, other genres like pop, hip-hop, funk, and disco took influence from R&B to express personal situations and political issues.

music theory

R&B is usually played in 4/4 time. Classic R&B extends chords and uses chord progressions to create a jazzy sound. Harmonies are richer and can be more complex. More contemporary R&B may use simpler chord progressions.

Guitars, for example, use techniques such as double stops, arpeggiating chords, and pentatonic fills. The rhythm section plays a vital role in creating a solid foundation with drums and bass, and keyboards layer different sounds to add texture or chords to enhance the music. Often, musicians use the saxophone to add embellishment and flair, which was particularly prominent in earlier styles of R&B. 

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